Children & Dogs


Educational Resources and Games

The American Kennel Club activities for children

AKC has a number of free educational activity sheets, posters, and coloring pages for children including:

How to Love Your Dog

This highly interactive site is an educational playground for children who love and live with dogs. It features over 90 topics across 300 pages of games, facts, activities for children to do with their dogs, stories, poems, and videos. The focus is on kindness, commitment, respect, and responsible dog care. It is suitable for children of all ages, from elementary grade to secondary grades.

The Safe Kids/Safe Dogs Project

This is a project that provides awareness and support to promote safe home environments for children and dogs. The website offers a wide range of resources including printable booklets, worksheets, facts, event schedules, dog safety songs, and safety services.

Liam J Perk Foundation

This foundation was set up in memory of 2-year-old Liam. It offers awareness campaigns, support, and resources for dog owners and parents to create safe and healthy environments for children living with dogs.

Doggone Safe

This US organization operates worldwide to promote safe human-canine interactions. It aims to prevent dog biting incidents, which can have terrible consequences for people and dogs. The website offers a wealth of resources to educate and support adults and children.

Family Paws

Family Paws offers educational programs, advice, resources, and support to reduce stress and increase safety in homes with dogs and young children.

Safety Around Dogs

Safety Around Dogs offers a fun dog safety program for children. It consists of an activity pack, session plans, and a DVD. This program emphasizes the importance of positive interactions between children and dogs as well as the importance of children understanding dog behaviors.

National Humane Education Society

The National Humane Education Society is concerned with animal welfare in general and not just canine welfare. It provides educational programs and materials for children and adults covering all aspects of responsible companion animal guardianship.